Anyone else feel totally overwhelmed by the number of videos they have of their families?! And sadly, most of mine sat there without anyone seeing them for YEARS.

Sam has put together this super simple family videos course so you can actually put your little clips together into something you love.

My favorite part is that she makes it so EASY – no shame for using your phone, and you can use basic equipment. She also provides prompts to get WAY better footage (and tips for how to actually get your kids to cooperate for some good video moments in addition to the candid tantrums 😜 or is that just us?). I bought the course with my own money about 6 months ago and I love how it’s helped me be more creative in my footage, even when just pulling out my phone.

The course is on sale through the end of today for only $40, and you can stack the code PREETHI for another $5 off. It’s a PERFECT experience gift that also highlights all the other wonderful experiences! I’ve put together just a few and am so excited to make a video for each of our trips!