Is It Racist To Vote For Trump?

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If there’s any gift I have, it’s that of sleep. I’m a very skilled sleeper. Through all of pregnancy and babies and stress and family issues and everything else, I’ve remained an excellent sleeper. I have so little control over this gift, and yet I’m unreasonably pleased that I have it.

Well. For the first time in my memory, I can’t sleep.

The baby woke not long ago, at an extremely unusual time. I can’t remember the last time she was awake at that hour. She must be feeling the pressure of the morning, too.

is it racist to vote for trump

Why is racial justice important?

As someone who discusses and educates in the sphere of racial diversity and inclusion; global education; and fostering compassion, connection, and understanding in our children, racial justice is something I’ve considered a lot. Even still, it sort of makes me shake in my boots to write all these thoughts out for anyone to read.

There are many people who have spoken and written a lot more eloquently than I have on why racial justice is important, but suffice it to say: we stand for freedom and equality. A lack of equity causes far more damage than the sum of the benefits for the few. A lack of equity harms not only those who must endure the brunt of racism, but also communities at large.

Is it racist to vote for Trump?

Some time ago, a friend asked if I thought it was racist to vote for Trump. I didn’t know the answer. I kept mulling and pondering and wanting to write write write, knowing I couldn’t until I felt more clarity in my own thoughts. I pondered the question for weeks.

I still don’t have perfect answers. But as the weeks wore on, it became ever more clear to me: a vote for Trump prioritizes other things over racial justice and equity. Because Trump himself prioritizes many many things over racial justice and equity. As much as he calls himself ā€œnot racistā€ or as much as others say he is kind/smart/caring/loves babies, that doesnā€™t change his IMPACT.

And his impact is such that he has made racist statements time and again. Time and again, his words have agitated white supremacy organizations. Time and again, many people of color have felt fear because of his words. In the last four years, Black and brown folx have experienced greater violence, anti-bias education has been halted, and systemic racism has been dismissed. There is just no getting around the fact that Trump is a racist and uses his position of power to validate and encourage racism in others, too.

Isn’t Joe racist, too?

Sure, yeah. Most of us have deeply embedded racist socializations. We’ve been taught racism in schools and in communities since we were born. Joe’s no different, and he’s definitely made racist statements and perpetuated racist behaviors.

He’s also apologized. He’s expressed a commitment to working toward racial equity. That doesnā€™t excuse him, but itā€™s a start. He’s not perfect. He isn’t even the best candidate to do combat racism. But he’s the best option we have at stopping someone who will not only not work to end racism, but will actively perpetuate it himself, and inspire his followers to do the same.

This Isn’t An Ordinary Election

But shouldn’t we be able to vote our conscience? Why should we have to maintain a two-party system? Shouldn’t we vote for the BEST person, instead of just the better person?

I get it. We don’t want to feel muscled into voting for the lesser of two evils. But this isn’t an ordinary election. This isn’t a time when we’re choosing between two people who will both muddle through anti-racism work. This isn’t even a time with two people who are lackluster on combating racism. This is a choice between someone who will try to work against racism a little bit, and someone who will actively continue to be racist and incite racism in his fans.

On the debate stage and in many other places, Trump called himself the “least racist person in the room.” The sheer fact that he would make that statement centers himself and shows an utter lack of willingness to listen to those who have actually endured racism. It shows a lack of willingness to learn. It shows a lack of willingness to believe. And it shows a complete lack of respect for objective facts and truth. Itā€™s dangerous and violent to continue to have someone like that leading our country.

So, can I be anti-racist and vote for Trump?

Maybe you’re not actively perpetuating racism yourself. But being anti-racist means you’re actively working against racism. You’re calling it out and stopping it in its tracks. A vote for a president that chooses to regularly make racist statements, and who refuses to acknowledge and work to change a system built to support racism, upholds racism.

So you may very well not be actively racist yourself. You may be ā€œnot racist.ā€ But in my mind, there’s no way to be proactively anti-racist while voting for Trump. Voting for him is a vote for the whole package, whether you like it or not. Your vote shows what you are willing to endure, what you find acceptable, and the price you are willing to pay for something else. That price is the perpetuation and increased proliferation of racism.

Voting for Trump prioritizes other issues over racism

In the end, voting for Trump says that you value other things over curbing racism. It says that you prioritize other things over equality for all. And perhaps that’s acceptable to you. Perhaps that is the price youā€™re willing to pay.

But it’s impossible to avoid the fact that choosing him is choosing the economy over working against racism. It’s choosing international trade over working against racism. Perhaps it’s choosing the lives of babies over working against racism (though I’ll provide all the data you want for why if you really care about babies, voting for Trump will NOT accomplish your goal of saving them). It’s choosing taxes or healthcare over working against racism against Black and brown people.

Iā€™m brown. In essence, it’s choosing those things over me. It’s choosing those things over me feeling comfortable and welcomed. It’s choosing those things over me having equal housing and career opportunities. Itā€™s choosing those things over me and people like me having equal power and rights and space in the United States of America.

If I were Black? You’d be choosing those things over my life.

The racial cost of political issues

There are a myriad other issues with Trump – e.g., how can we strive for freedom for all when we don’t have a baseline of accepted truth? How can we separate parents and children? How can we ignore science and experts in their fields? – but this is one to which I’ve given special consideration. This is one that intersects with my work and passion, and on which I feel I need to speak.

So do I think it’s possible to not be racist and vote for Trump? I suppose so. Anti-racist, no. Not racist? Perhaps. Just know that by doing so, there’s a cost to all the benefits you’re choosing. And that cost is racism.

By doing so, you’re choosing other things as more important than the people enduring racial inequity. And in the end, is choosing privileges over people the definition of racism after all? Thatā€™s for you to decide.

16 Responses

  • This was lovely and thoughtful. Thank you for writing it!

    • So appreciate you reading. <3

  • Such a powerful and well thought perspective. Thank you!

    • Thank you so much for reading. <3

  • I would live to hear your thoughts on why you say that ā€œif you really care about babies, voting for Trump will NOT accomplish your goal of saving them.ā€ I need info for my family to convince them to vote anti-racist instead of anti-abortion

  • Thank you for having the courage to write this. It is bold and thought provoking. I didn’t set out reading this thinking I agreed, but this speaks truth to me. Keeping sharing goodness, it is helping people like me who are sloooowly getting a clue! (And I hope you get better sleep now that the words are out.)

    • Thank you so much for reading and for your honest seeking. I really appreciate you sharing this.

  • LOVE. LOVE. LOVE! I am a life-long republican who voted for Biden/Harris and have spent the past many months unpacking my previously-held notions in favor of voting for a ticket that I feel with offer more humanity and dignity for our country. I have loved adding your voice to those whose thoughts have challenged me in this process. Thank you for sharing it. Thank you, also, for providing the link above regarding democratic policies and their impact on abortion rates. I would love an entire post devoted to this. As Iā€™ve shared abortion-related information with family and friends who claim to be single-issue voters, Iā€™ve wanted a single source to point them toward where the data is synthesized. If one already exists, Iā€™d love to know where to find it. If not, Iā€™d love to make a request should you feel so inclined one of these days šŸ™‚

    • Thank you so much for reading and for your work. Grateful for your support. And yes, I think a post like that would be very useful – perhaps I’ll put something together someday!

  • This was a very insightful and powerful article. Iā€™ve been struggling with the thought that over 70 million people voted for him, some are people I know. It hurts because I know theyā€™re good people, but they voted for the racist package and prioritized their privilege over people. I feel the need to distance myself from these people in order to make space for those who are willing to put in the work to become anti-racist with me.

    • Thank you so much for reading. It really is disheartening how many are willing to put aside anti-racism work in favor of other issues.

  • Oooh that second to last sentence! Boom.

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