I love thinking through some intentions at the start of each year, and this one feels especially meaningful to me. Last year, I turned 40 – so several of my 2024 goals were focused on specific accomplishments or goals. Instead, this year, in my first year fully in my 40s, I’d like to focus mostly on the type of person I’d like to be and the type of life I’d like to be living not just this year, but for the next decade or more. It feels exciting!
Here are some of my personal goals that I’m thinking about this year!

1. Avoid procrastination to get more sleep!
Gosh, this always feels like it’s first on my list. It’s hard for me! And I feel compelled to put it back on each year. In the past, I’ve focused a lot on a specific bedtime in order to try to get more sleep. Instead, this year, I’m going to try to focus on it as a gift to myself – a true act of care, rest, and rejeuvenation.
The biggest part of this will be trying to be much more focused during the work day so I’m not trying to do “one last thing” at night, and really trying to recharge away from my phone at night. It’s SO tempting to scroll my phone instead of doing what needs to be done, and then I end up staying up later in order to get that stuff done (when it takes 10x longer because I’m tired). I’m goign to really try to break this procrastination habit – please send me all your focus vibes!!
2. Read 52 Books + Read Aloud 10 Books + Read A Religious Book with Dan
Last year was a particularly low reading year for me, but I started to fall back in love with it by the end of the year. I’m going to try to always have an engaging book handy, and to immediately start another one when I finish one (when I’m in the reading mode). This will be part of my bedtime motivation!
I’ve also really gotten away from reading aloud to the kids regularly lately. Life and evenings just get busy!! I’m excited to plan on some of these – I’m doing 10 because holiday season is always so busy (and we always love listening to a few Christmas read alouds).
Finally, I’d really like to read a religious book with Dan. Doesn’t have to be from a specific faith – but we’re looking forward to doing this together.
3. Travel Less, and More Locally + Belated 40th Bday Trip
2024 was a huge travel year for us. I felt nervous about including getting to 100 countries on my list last year, but we made it happen! It still feels a bit unbelievable. This year, I’m planning to visit far fewer new-to-me countries, but am really excited for more UK & Ireland road trips. Plus, I’m excited to finally make my 40th birthday trip happen! We couldn’t quite figure out the timing last year, but I can’t wait for it to take place this spring.
4. Call/See A Friend 1x/Month + Marco Polos
Speaking of friends, I want to invest more time in long-distance friendships this year – even if we can’t see each other in person. I’m GREAT at calling my mom but basically no one else, but I think it’s really valuable and has a different feel than even Marco Polo (which I tend to do in spurts and then forget about). I’d like to prioritize both of these things more! I’d also like to do monthly in-person meetups with friends – either a walk, or lunch, or a double date. There’s something really special about seeing each other outside of school drop offs or church meetings, and I want to make time for being with people. Plus, I can’t wait to continue my weekly group tennis classes with a friend!
5. Finish My Book!
If you’ve been around for a while, you know I’ve been working on a book with National Geographic for a couple years now. I’ve had some edits to get to, and I’m looking forward to diving back into these intensely in the first part of the year. Excited to get this in great shape!
6. 20 Cookbook Recipes
I’ve gotten MUCH better at meal planning this year, which I’m thrilled about. But a) I’m craving a bit more variety in our meals (it feels like I have a bit more mental space in the last few months to cook recipes rather than just doing a 2-week capsule meal rotation that we did for a couple years) and b) I’d really like to actually use some of the lovely cookbooks I have. Going to make a list of 20 cookbook recipes (NOT from the Internet!) that I’d like to make this year!
7. Online Journal
This is something I’d like to continue from last year but be more consistent with it. A few times over the years, I’ve kept those lovely 3-year journals. (I think this one is especially beautiful.) And I’ve realized that they just don’t work great for me. For one, I often remember something to jot down from the day as I’m lying down in bed, and then I’m not super enthusiastic about getting up and retrieving my journal. Second, and more importantly, we travel frequently enough (and also pack light enough) that I don’t have it with me for a good chunk of the year. An online journal, unfancy as it is, just works better for me.
So here’s my intention to simply jot something to remember – even a tiny funny moment or happy picture – from each day in my online journal.
8. Make Two New Family Photobooks
This was on my goals list last year, too, but I didn’t get around to doing it so I’m adding it back in! A couple years ago, I found a system to speed through making family photobooks MUCH more easily than I ever had before. I managed to make two photobooks and I’m thrilled about it. I’m hoping to make two more this year!
9. Join A Choir + Attend 8 Swing Dance Classes with Dan
I’ve really missed my super lovely, small choir with a gorgeous sound that I sang with back in California. I found one local to us that seems really lovely, so I’m auditioning next week. I’m really looking forward to this!
Also, last summer, Dan and I attended a swing dance class close to us once and REALLY loved it. We got a punch card to go regularly, and just haven’t made it happen. I’m hoping we can use up the rest of our punch cards, at the very least!
10. Sunday Family Time
We started the year really well with this…and then things got really busy. I want to get back to leaving Sundays mostly for rest at home, hopefully inviting over some friends, and leaving evenings free and clear for our family to play games, look at family photos, and maybe watch a cosy show together (I’m considering trying out All Things Great And Small as I’ve heard such great things and it’s set in England!).
11. Workout 150x
Weekly workout goals tend to be hard for me – if one week goes awry with travel or sickness or just other things going on, it’s hard for me to feel motivated to get back to it. I think a yearly goal will work much better! I’m planning to make a chart to cross off, because I always love a list. Going to try to do a mix of cardio, some light weights, and some pelvic floor exercises.
12. Duolingo French Refresher Course + Read A Book in French
It was so lovely visiting France a few times last year since it’s so easy to get to from London. I especially loved practicing my French, which I studied through high school and then in college, as well (I studied abroad in Lyon and loved living with a host family there). I’d love to get my listening and speaking skills a bit more comfy, so I’m planning to do a high-level Duolingo French level as a refrefsher, and would love to read a book in French this year, as well.
This one feels super big and scary to put out into the world. But it’s something I’ve considered for a long time and that many, many of you have asked about. So this year, I want to finally step my toe into trying one out. Stay tuned here if you’re interested – I’ll share more in the coming months. 🙂
Do you make goals for the year? If so, I’d love to hear any plans or intentions you have this year!