Fresh Strawberry Curd

We went strawberry picking.  Not that first time.  Again.  Because of course everyone needs to pick nearly 20 pounds of ripe and delicious strawberries over the course of a week and a half. Needless to say, I’m scrounging out all … Read More

Summer Latelies

Summer’s in full swing and we’ve already kicked into some fun little travels. Pittsburgh First up was Pittsburgh to visit Dan’s brother and his family.  It had been a while since we’d seen them, and oh, did we have fun.  … Read More

Chipotle Pineapple Veggie Fajitas

I used to think I didn’t like fajitas.  Not really sure why?  I mean, lots of colorful veggies and tortillas and toppings?  Not much to go wrong.  I finally had them again a few months ago when we were in … Read More


Growing up, there were probably a lot of things I took for granted about my mom.  Moving across the world to a country where she didn’t yet have a firm grasp of the language (and then getting the hang of … Read More

DIY “Accio Milk” Onesie

  Remember that little Pinterest Challenge?  The one that ended earlier this week when I had THREE pins I hadn’t yet done?  Pretty sure 50% is a failing grade however you look at it. (It’s amazing what having the entire … Read More

Happy Easter!

From our crew to yours. Me: Downeast shirt, Gap cardi, eShakti skirt, F21 tights, Payless shoes, Blue Nile earrings; bow pin made by me Husband: Bowtie made by me. I haven’t the faintest on the rest. Boy baby: Target blazer … Read More

We went strawberry picking.  Not that first time.  Again.  Because of course everyone needs to pick nearly 20 pounds of ripe and delicious strawberries over the course of a week and a half.

Needless to say, I’m scrounging out all the strawberry recipes I can find, so if you have any winners, pleeease send them my way.  This one is a winner for sure – creamy and bright with freshly picked strawberry flavor.  Oh, and I managed to pull it all together in the last 15 minutes before I had to wake K to go pick up N from his little preschool – in a single pot, no less.  Which means more time to actually enjoy the gorgeous summer weather with your many pounds of strawberries.

Strawberry Curd
adapted from here

3 cups strawberries
2 T lemon juice
1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs
4 T butter, cut in pieces

1. Hull strawberries and place them in a pot with lemon juice, sugar, and eggs.  Immersion blend everything together until smooth (make sure the blade and side holes are completely submerged – you may need to tip contents to the side to do this – so that it doesn’t splatter.  You could also put everything in a blender, but, well, more bowls!).

2. Heat pot and contents over medium heat, constantly stirring.  When liquid has warmed, add in butter.  Continue to stir constantly until mixture has thickened enough to coat the back of a spoon.  Let cool and pour into mason jars to store in the refrigerator.