S’more Eggs

Yesterday, we had a little Easter egg hunt with our playgroup.  Aside from needing to have the egg hunt indoors since it was freezing and windy and BAH willwinterneverleave, it was adorable watching all the kiddies run around finding eggs. … Read More

My Phavorite

We took a little trip to my beloved Philly this past weekend. Oh, how that city makes my heart sing.  And N.  Philly makes N sing.  And dance with umbrellas.  Even with the miserable rainy/snowy/haily/sleety/slushy/gucky/whycan’twinterjustbeOVER weather we had (resulting in … Read More

Corn, Potato & Green Chile Chowder

I love soup in the wintertime.  It’s pretty much the only thing that is reasonable to eat when it’s 30 degrees out, amiright? This soup is one of my favorites.  It’s hearty and delicious and tastes even better the next … Read More


Twelve years ago today, I was a nerdy junior in high school and had just moved to a new city.  My marketing teacher convinced me to try out this competition club called DECA, and I liked him, so I thought … Read More


There are probably some people out there who seem perfectly normal on their blogs and are total weirdos in person.  Janssen & her family are not those people.We headed down to Texas this last weekend, and Janssen was sweet enough … Read More


Like many, I’m still reeling from the knowledge of Friday’s events.  Like many, it’s tricky to put into words exactly how I’m feeling, exactly how much I want to hold my little ones close and never let go.  Like many, … Read More

Drawstring Bag Advent Calendar

After Janssen posted her adorable Advent calendar, I decided to blatantly copy her and post my own.  Because imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?  Bonus – this project is simple enough that there’s still time to get it … Read More

My Favorite Holiday

  Oh yes – have I told you?  I’m the queen of flaky, buttery crusts 🙂 Adorable craft blatantly stolen from Rachel     Can you even handle the sweetness of this baby?  I think not PS – check out … Read More

Yesterday, we had a little Easter egg hunt with our playgroup.  Aside from needing to have the egg hunt indoors since it was freezing and windy and BAH willwinterneverleave, it was adorable watching all the kiddies run around finding eggs.

Of course, because I am the queen of procrastination, I remember late last night that I had to take some pre-filled eggs.  We don’t generally keep candy around, and I didn’t think to use some of the millions of stickers we have on hand.  I considered sticking some clementines inside, but a whole one wouldn’t fit and I thought they might dry out if I pre-peeled them.

So I was searching the cupboards for something to stick in, and spotted some marshmallows.  Since we have a wood-burning fireplace (LOVE), we tend to keep those, grahams, and chocolate on hand (exclusively for s’mores, and never for any mid-afternoon slump purposes, of course).

The purpose of this extraordinarily long explanation is that I put a ‘mallow, a graham, and some chocolate chips together and called it a s’m’egg and called it a night.  Nothing particularly mind-blowing, but the kids liked it and I didn’t have to make a run to the store.  Can’t ask for much more, right?